Why Choose Nurse At Home Instead Of Old Age Home?

Family is that one bond that lasts forever. No matter how old you become, no matter what your achievements are, no matter how far you are from them, your parents will always love you for who you are. When you cannot always be available for your old parents that is the time when you trust someone. And that someone will take your place when you are not available for your parents. That’s where caregivers/ caretakers come into the picture.
A sudden need of any urgency and you are relieved, your caregiver is there at that moment to ensure their needs are being met which will be lacking at an old age home. Because your caregiver is available 24/7, making you and them at ease. Also, it is very natural for you to worry about your parents, as they grow older, you think about how they will get along from day to day.

There are numerous advantages of having a trained, trusted, and responsible caregiver at home. They can make the elderly recover from an ailment, injury, post-surgery hassle-free and easy. This caregiver will also help the elderly with physiotherapy sessions at home. An elderly who is bedridden or unable to move freely will find it difficult to use the washroom or maintain personal hygiene which is taken care of by a trained nursing caretaker. Having a trained caregiver will ensure any mishappenings like falls, injury and ensure their safety in that feeble age of theirs. In addition, the elderly who stay at home tend to be physically and mentally healthier compared to old age homes.

For the elderly who are suffering from dementia, it is challenging to take care of them which requires knowledge, patience and understanding. Families, generally, lack the experience and skills to understand the age-related conditions and fail to care for their beloved ones properly. Also, it is quite painful to view your beloved parents deteriorate mentally. A Qualified nurse at home can provide a lot of support, as they understand the condition and have all skills and experience to deal with dementia patients rightly.

A medical survey has revealed that people who have a home nursing services facility at home live a longer life. Receiving emotional, physical, medical, and specialized care in their comfort zones helps senior citizens live healthier and longer life. Because no comfort zone can replace one’s own home. Especially your parents may be attached to a particular couch, a favourite chair, a favourite routine, or a favourite view from a specific corner in the house. Besides, relocating can be very stressful. Also, they are left with all the memories of us in that place, when remembered would make them feel nostalgic and happy which will lack at an old age home.
Because ‘IT FEELS LIKE HOME’, with a responsible and trusted nurse at home. You will definitely want to give your parents the best just like they did when you were young! So, consider these points before making a decision.

How Winters Affect the Elderly

Winter is just around the corner. In many places, temperatures have already begun to drop, warm jackets are coming out and, the days get longer and darker. While winter may be an enjoyable and exciting time for some, there is a category of people who may struggle more than others with the cold. 

Surprisingly, winters can have a negative impact on the overall health of the elderly or senior citizens. It is important to keep a watchful eye on them, have the contact number of the best physiotherapist around and even sign up for home healthcare in some cases to ensure their safety.

So how does the winter impact their health:

Increases risk of hypothermia

Hypothermia occurs when the body becomes so cold it starts to shut down. In cases where there is extremely cold weather, the risk of hypothermia goes up exponentially. This happens because their bodies cannot withstand the cold as long as younger people. Elderly people naturally create less body heat, which means they are often colder than younger individuals to start with. Watch out for slowed reactions and movements, sleepiness, slurred or slow speech and confusion.

Cardiac troubles

Patients with existing underlying heart conditions are at greater risk for cardiovascular troubles during winters. The cooler temperatures lower the overall body heat. This can cause the blood vessels to contract, reducing oxygen supply to the body, increasing the risk of a stroke. The extra work that the body has to put in to stay warm can also lead to higher blood pressure and heart attacks. If you have a senior citizen at home who has pre-existing cardiovascular conditions, having a nurse at home may be a good idea. 

Respiratory illness

The drop in temperature commonly leads to respiratory infections in older people. The main reason for this is that excessive cold lowers their immunity and weakens lung function. Asthma patients and patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD) need to maintain special care during winters.

Increased pain

Another side effect of the cold is that muscle and existing pains tend to worsen in the cold weather. This can be especially difficult for those suffering from arthritis and other conditions as it may hinder their mobility significantly. Look out for the best physiotherapist to help you out through this as it can impact their movement significantly. 

These realities may sound scary and a little bit daunting, but a few simple steps will help keep your loved ones safe and cosy. 

Here’s what you can do:

  • Ensure they wear lots of layers.
  • Use heaters indoors.
  • Get regular check-ups.
  • Keep a very close eye on them and pay attention to anything that may seem a little off.
  • Hire helpLook around for a nurse at home from the SSSPS home healthcare provider to lend a hand.

Having a helping hand can put your mind at ease and your beloved ones safe and cared for at all times!

The Increasing Need For Physiotherapy In The Work From Home Era

It has now been over a year that most of India’s population are working from home. The shift to working from home during the pandemic has brought many changes to the work culture as a society at large and in general, the work from home concept has been embraced, celebrated and even desired by many. But there is an alarming issue at hand and that is the overall health of the working individual.

In September 2020, only 6 months after work from home was implemented, the Economic Times reported that ‘many people have started complaining of neck pain and backache while working for long hours and are seeking help from physiotherapists.” This has left ‘physiotherapist near me’ as one of the top Google searches of late 2020 – an alarming indicator that physiotherapy centres are in high demand. The top 3 reasons for this are:

1) Long hours – with the new structure, computers, phones and official devices are made available in the comfort of one’s home. This means that individuals are more accessible at all times of day, making it difficult to disconnect or draw boundary lines between work and home which leads to long working hours

2) Improper posture – Oftentimes, there are households with more than one working individual. Some households may even children who are being homeschooled. This means that employees may look for a comfortable but quiet space to work, but the working posture is compromised in the bargain.

3) Seating Arrangements – With the shut down of furniture shops and a sudden move to work from home, several individuals have been left to use make-shift work spaces. The unavailability of a proper work desk and chair which is designed for long working hours can cause catastrophic consequences to an individuals bone and muscle structure.

Other common reports noticed are: wrist, ankle and joint pains, knee pain and eyesight deterioration. The good news is: the right home physiotherapist can and should help prevent or tackle these struggles, here’s why:-

– Aches and pains are preventable

– If not remedied, it can lead to lifelong problems

– Acts a reminder to keep excercising

– A healthy body enables better work productivity.

– No matter how young, even students can suffer, but early action from a home physiotherapist will lead to better mental, physical and emotional well being..

Now more than ever, it is so important to have the absolute best home physiotherapist available at your fingertips. Why? Simply because physiotherapy at home ensures that all the above mentioned issues are temporary and prevents unnecessary suffering while keeping you and your family safe. Even young children studying from home need to be careful as poor posture not only affects the spine formation but also triggers headaches, indigestion and disrupted sleep. Thankfully, if you’re wondering “where can I get a physiotherapist near me”, the search is over. Thanks to our high end physiotherapy centre, we’ve got you covered where you can avail the best physiotherapy at home at any time of day.

So why suffer another day, book your home physiotherapist care package today and invest in your happy, healthy future.