Senior citizens are a growing demographic in the city of Mumbai. This raises the question of ‘how can we ensure that they receive the utmost care.’ At Shree Swami Samarth Patients Seva, we have the perfect solution – deploying a well-trained, highly qualified old age care taker.

As the population ages in this fast-paced world, ensuring that senior citizens are well taken care of is becoming increasingly important. Senior citizens can be thought about as precious jewels – beautiful, timeless and full of incredible beauty. They have life experiences, stories, special recipes and the kind of patience that few younger people have. They are known to bring joy to their families, laughter to their grandchildren and wisdom nuggets to anyone that’ll listen. So, it’s no secret that they need the most delicate and intricate care that is suited specifically to them.

That’s where senior citizen care taker services by Shree Swami Samarth Patients Seva comes in. Through these services, you can be rest assured that only the best old age care taker will be sent to your home, but with thorough training, screening and background checks so your heart can be at ease no matter what. You’ll know that only trained professionals are at your aid ensuring nothing stands in the way of the patient’s well-being.

Studies show senior citizens that have received professional care in the later stages of their lives have a 42% higher chance of an elongated lifespan in comparison to those that receive care from untrained professionals. The study also indicates the professional care for senior citizens is linked to better mental well-being. Let’s breakdown make – 4 key things a senior citizen caretaker can offer:

Mobility – In circumstances where the patient requires a walker or wheelchair, having a dedicated person to help them move around can be very liberating.

Attention – A dedicated caregiver means that the elderly patient has their full attention. Wherever the patient goes, the caretaker follows. This way the professional is able to be alert and attentive to their needs at all times without distraction or lack of focus.

Knowledge – A trained professional has the knowledge of how to care for patients with complex conditions like dementia, Alzheimer’s, paralysis, Parkinson’s and other ailments. Patients with such conditions benefit greatly from expert care.

Experience – Watching a family member struggle with poor health can be worrisome and often disheartening. To us, their struggles may seem new and maybe even scary, but with an experienced caretaker, they’ll know just when to sound the alarm and when the patient’s behaviour is normal for their condition.

These 4 areas play a vital role in the patient’s overall well-being. When done right, you may notice that your loved one is actually thriving, cheerful and upbeat. This makes the already difficult circumstance far more comforting. It not only benefits the patient, but their loved ones that surround them too!

The long-term benefits of nanny services – how they can revolutionize your family

A nanny, in some cultures are common, but in other cultures may even be considered a taboo concept or something to be skeptical of. Nanny services however can actually have a long-term benefit to a family and create a healthy environment to bring up precious little children.

Research shows that in Asian countries the percentage of women that struggle with post-partum depression is anywhere between 65% to 73%. The top 5 reasons for post-partum depression are:

Hormonal changes to the body

Lack of proper rest

Complete change in lifestyle


A sense of loss and inadequacy (this may be a loss of independence, career, freedom, or feeling like they are losing themselves.

Using nanny services can actually help with all 5 of these factors. Bringing a newborn home is filled with joy and excitement but can also be overwhelming for the family who is trying to navigate what their life will look like with the baby. Whether they are first time parents or second or third, life will certainly be different and having experienced newborn care can make that transition smoother.

A trained and experienced caretaker at home will understand the hormonal changes the mother may be feeling and can take preemptive decisions to put the mother at ease. She may also offer advice, expertise and companionship to a first time mother who is learning things for the first time. Most importantly, by having skilled newborn care that the parents can trust, the mother can have the rest that she needs in order to allow herself to heal after the delivery. This rest is most often neglected by families without an adequate support system which can lead to long-term illness and pain due to improper recovery and rehabilitation.

One of the biggest long-term benefits of having a caretaker at home, allows the parents full control and authority over their new lifestyle. They are able to set their baby’s routine in a manner that fits their lives, make decisions regarding the child’s care and ensure that they are the sole decision makers for the baby. It also allows the parents to spend the baby’s ‘awake time’ actively engaging with the child rather than attempting to do things for the baby or getting caught up in household chores. The saying “sleep when the baby sleeps” can be an actual reality for parents when they have a trustworthy nanny.

Newborn care is crucial – sometimes more crucial than we realize. The disciplines and the trainings we establish in children before the age of 2 years old are likely to remain with them till they are adults. Doing this takes time, intentionality and effort. This is why having help matters – parents who are not stressed or exhausted are able to be present, attentive and alert to their children which makes the child more receptive and able to adapt to being trained.

When a baby is brought home, a lot of the attention goes to caring for the child, but the mother is equally important too and having a nanny around will allow the mother to be cared for just as much as the child. This in turn builds physical health leading to a healthy relational dynamic in the family – after all, a happy mother makes a happy child.

Nurse at home – why we believe they’re hidden angels

“And what nursing has to do in either case, is to put the patient in the best condition for nature to act upon him.”

These words were spoken by Florence Nightingale, one of the world’s most revolutionary figures in the field of nursing. These words couldn’t be truer, especially in the times and the century we now live in. Great Nursing Services are a rare gem that are waiting to be discovered – these can mostly be found in a nurse at home.

Nurses at home have often been referred to as one’s very own Florence Nightingale, a fairy god mother or most commonly, ‘little angels.’ This is because when a patient is in need of round-the clock care, a warm, friendly nurse who is both physically and educationally equipped to handle the patient’s needs can literally be a life saver. Not only are they trained to identify telling signs of when a patient’s life may be in danger; in which case prompt action may save their lives, but also guide and nurture the patient to the restoration of health.

To give you a visual, a nurse at home will essentially be with the patient at all times of the day – even when the patient is asleep. They will monitor, care for and be alert to the patient and any alarming changes that may require attention. Wherever the patient goes, your personal nurse will follow; whether it is for bathroom runs, running errands in the house or even sitting up for a cup of chai or movie. Using wonderful Nursing Services also means the patient is well groomed, maintains hygiene and ensures that the surrounding environment is adjusted to the well-being of the patient. This makes recovery so much easier.

The benefit to the patient is that not only can they receive adequate care at home, they are able to sleep in their own comfortable bed, establish a routine that is suitable to them and receive the care and concern that is tailor made to their medical needs and personality type. It also means that their medication is strictly monitored, vitals are frequently checked and meals are served at the correct time. It is these small little factors that help a patient who is suffering and recuperating.

Moreover, by using home nursing services, the patient is offered company and friendship throughout the day. This plays a vital role as it may prevent depression, emotional fatigue and combat loneliness. Nurses are especially great at this because they are able to understand the situation and the struggles of the patient in a way that family members may not.

As Florence Nightingale says, the nurse puts the patient in the best possible condition that they can be – and that’s why we call them angels. There is no one with more patience, kindness, compassion and skill than the nurses that care for patients at home. That’s why we’re so proud of the people that we get to deploy through our home nursing services.

The transformational power of paralysis care

Paralysis is a medical condition that is most commonly caused by the damage in the nervous system, especially when there is damage to the spinal cord. A person who suffers from paralysis experiences motor loss (loss of muscle function) and sensory loss (loss of sensations in the affected part of their bodies). However, with the right paralysis care and the help of the absolute best physiotherapist, one may be able regain and retain the body’s natural strength.

Paralysis is triggered by multiple factors – strokes, trauma or injury to the spine or nervous system and tumors are the most common. Early diagnosis and treatment however, can prevent paralysis from being permanent in most cases. Initial symptoms and side effects may include difficulty in swallowing, loss of balance, loss of bladder & bowel movement and slurred speech. If and when these do occur, a patient’s most beneficial option is to acquire the most professional and best physiotherapist in order to customize and carefully rehabilitate the patient’s functioning. Paralysis care in such time may be absolutely critical for the patient.

Paralysis can be difficult for both the patient and the family. However, looking out for a physiotherapist at home may have numerous benefits including allowing the patient to establish normalcy and dependence in familiar surroundings, training them to use their own washrooms and regular daily mobility requirements as well as having the patient more relaxed and calmer. Ensuring that a patient is comfortable and relaxed cannot be underestimated as when a patient is tense, the muscles and body go into defense mode and are not relaxed enough for the physiotherapy to be fully effective. On the other hand, in their own home, when a patient is free and relaxed, physiotherapy is known to have accelerated success and growth in the patient’s well-being. The home setting may also provide extra support and encouragement from family members that may live with the patient along with the safety and security net that the patient needs. There are several more benefits that bringing in a physiotherapist at home can offer, as long as they are linked to a reputed Physiotherapy Centre or trusted Physiotherapy Clinic.

By opting for home healthcare services for paralysis from an experienced and fully equipped Physiotherapy Centre or Physiotherapy Clinic, you are ensuring that you receive world-class treatment by an expert team of highly qualified and professionally trained physiotherapists. This is the first step towards creating a comprehensive & personalized recovery program, where the assigned physiotherapist will do a complete assessment of the patient’s physical, mental and medical condition. Basis the results of the assessment, with consideration of the patient’s medical history and unique The physiotherapist will chart out a customized outcome-based treatment plan that’s best suited to their condition. The treatment plan is further discussed with an experienced clinical team before it’s put into action wherever it is necessary – that’s why we’re the best in town! Our specialty: transforming lives, one patient at a time.


When it comes to choosing the right home health care services, it’s absolutely certain that you want nothing short of the best for your loved ones. Find the right service can be exhausting, overwhelming and filled with a load of questions – and rightly so! The patient should always be number 1 – and you need to be completely at peace knowing that he or she is going to be treated like royalty. Here are 5 helpful tips to help you choose the right provider.

The Credibility Check

When choosing home health care services (commonly referred to as Aya services), the first thing to do is check their credibility. Ensuring that the staff they deploy are not only trained, but qualified and experienced to provide superior care is important. Reviews and testimonials also play a vital role in deciding whether or not the provider is trustworthy.

The Experience

It’s always safe to look for a provider that has experience in the field. Looking for 25 years or more shows that they have been successful to maintain themselves in the market and have had several experiences to learn from. This plays a huge role in how an agency picks their staff, trains them and deploys them. Knowing that your home health care services provider has years of knowledge under their belt provides a safety net that you may be able to rely on.

The Pictures

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. This is especially true when you’re on the look out for Aya services. Though putting up pictures of actual patient care may be unethical and scarce to find, there are several other ways an agency can show themselves through pictures. This shows transparency and an active workforce behind the scenes. A provider that lacks credibility may often shy away from showing off their teams.

The Services

One factor that cannot be ignored is the services – are the services provided what you are looking for? Factors like time, availability and the actual healthcare you’re seeking should fit your needs. An important area to evaluate is whether your provider offers a consultation and is therefore able to tailor-make the services to fit your needs. This will not only reinforce the knowledge that they are skilled in what they do, but also that you are going to be understood and taken care of.

The Expense

This may go without saying, but does your healthcare provider fit your budget. It is important to keep a realistic budget to ensure that you are availing of quality services, however, especially in cases where care may be long-term, affordability is a major player in the decision-making process.

Remember, the patient may be number one, but you are a priority too! The right fit will not only leave you peaceful, but happy too!


It is no secret that the nursing field is one that is predominantly female-dominated, however a surprising fact you may not know is that the first nurses were actually male! The world’s very first nursing school was established in India as early as 250 BC and it was then believed that men were the best fit for the profession. The field has since been revolutionised, but once again, we are seeing more and more a demand for the male nurse and men are now entering this field. In fact, it is estimated that the proportion of the male nurse that are registered has more than tripled since 1970 in the western world, and other nations are soon catching up. So why is there an increasing need in today’s day and age?

The workforce

With more and more millennials coming into the workforce; the same gender equality that has de-stigmatised male attendants, also allow men and women to work freely. There is a growing trend that even after marriage and children, women choose to maintain their careers and may even seek a work from home model to ensure that they get the best of both worlds. This means that with the pressures of work and family life, the best way to ensure quality care for loved ones is to sign up for ward boy services wherein a male patient has a dedicated male attendant who is constantly monitoring and caring for him.


Oftentimes, male patient may feel uncomfortable when they need assistance with mobility such as using the bathroom or bed pan, insertion of a catheter, dressing up and so on if these activities are carried out by a female. Having a male present to care for the patient offers dignity and peace of mind.

Strength and safety

At a time where the patient is feeling weak and vulnerable, a strong male attendant may ease the patient’s mind. This is especially important when the patient needs to be mobilised with aid. Though female nurses may be strong and fully capable, it is vital that the patient is able to trust and rely on the strength of their male nurse. Failure to trust in their strength may lead to feelings of fear and anxiety which may hinder the progress of the patient. Moreover, by using ward boy services for a male patient, it ensures that even if the patient needs to be carried at any time, they are in safe and capable hands


No one understands a man like another man. Male patients are likely to benefit from their nurse being able to understand them better. This makes communication easier and stress free for both the patient and the attendant. A good understanding means better care, more alertness and attentiveness to the patient’s needs.

In the 21st century that we live in, it is comforting to know that there are men that have actively chosen the nursing field as a result of a strong desire to care for patients in need. This deep desire makes them strong candidates to be the best caretakes possible for patients that really need them. By opting for this, it allows the family to enjoy engaging with the patient while his needs are being taken care of day or night. Afterall, which one of us doesn’t want the absolute best for our beloved?!

Best Paralysis Care Provider in Mumbai

Paralysis in patients can be scary and bring on a wave of emotions for both the patient and the caregivers. Paralysis by definition is a loss of strength and control over a muscle or group of muscles in a part of the body. When any part of the relay system – such as the brain, nerves, or spinal cord – is damaged, the signals to move do not make it through to the muscles and results in paralysis. The good news is, with the right he, mobility can be restored.

Caring for patient with paralysis can oftentimes be overwhelming. Patients may be insensitive to pain, heat or any form of danger to the affected part of the body. One may find that patient care involves endless medical supplies, physical assistance for minor things like eating and drinking water and complete dependency on caregivers. More often than not, the physical, mental and emotional toll that this takes on inexperienced caregivers rubs on to the patient and affects their overall well-being. This is why opting for well experienced home healthcare services is an ideal choice.

The aim of quality paralysis care is to ensure that the patient can maintain the greatest quality of life and form a routine for themselves which would encourage some independence. This is only possible when obtaining services from a qualified physiotherapy centre. With proper physiotherapy and home healthcare services, the patient may not only be able to move and regain their health, but also get the motivation and encouragement that they need in the midst of their health struggles.

Suffering from paralysis can be extremely emotionally debilitating for a patient. Mental and emotional care must remain a high priority for patients as it is the primary area that determines the quality of life they may live. By ensuring that the patient is given the best paralysis care through our physiotherapy centre, you would sign up for experienced, qualified professionals who do their job with compassion, dedication and precision. The overall well-being of the patient is our priority. This takes time, effort and delicate care, but we know that each one of our patients are worth it. With treatment and care, our patients often experience quick recovery where recovery is possible.

There may also be cases where paralysis is permanent – even in such cases, the patient needs the best physiotherapist to be made available to them. Why? Simply because by doing so, the patient will be trained to strengthen the rest of their body to compensate for the loss of movement. This gives them independence and keeps the brain networks strong.

So book your paralysis patient care package today and make sure that your beloved is in the hands of only the best.

Why are caretaker services booming in modern-day Mumbai?

Mumbai – the beautiful financial, commercial and entertainment capital of India and capital of Maharashtra is undeniably known to be one of the most populous cities in the nation. With beautiful buildings, unmatched transportation networks and businesses thriving, it is undoubtedly booming. With the young working generation soon becoming the most predominant demographic, the question remains, “is there room for quality patient care services in such a busy city?”

With the fast-paced lifestyle that the we must live in order to survive, caretaker services are becoming an increasing demand. With expenses mounting and demanding jobs, caring for a loved one who may need medical care post-surgery, injury or due to age can be very challenging. As a result of this, families begin to rely on caretakers for Elderly or patient care services. Here’s 3 reasons why this has become the go – to option.

Availability ­– Owing to the increasing demands of jobs, house care, education and more, being available to care for the patient may pose a challenge. By opting for caretaker services, the patient is not neglected even for one minute, while the loved ones are occupied fulfilling their other responsibilities.

Companionship – It goes without saying that we all need company. Patients however, need more companionship than most as they battle through their suffering. By ensuring that someone is with them at all times, not only will the patient have company, but family and loved ones are able to be more mentally and emotionally present for the patient since the upkeep and patient care has been taken care of.

Accessibility – By opting for caretakers for elderly or home healthcare services, the family is able to have the patient in their own home and therefore access them and spend time with them freely as opposed to an institution with fixed visiting hours. This allows for quality time together and peace of mind knowing that the patient is surrounded by their loved ones.

While the city may be thriving and booming with opportunities, but it is also encompassed by qualified, trained professionals – the absolute best of the best. In fact, it is said that family members who are employed in Mumbai, would rather relocate their elder parents to be alongside them rather than provide for similar care back where their hometowns may be, despite the cost difference. One of the reasons is because it is home to the highest standard of professionals there are. This means that not only will the family have their parents close by, but also they can ensure that they receive the absolute best treatment for them. Afterall, this incredible place is home to the first woman who built the Mumbai – Pune railway line, the first car owner in India, the author of The Jungle Book (Rudyard Kipling) and the country’s first ever airport. The city of greatness, a city where legends are born! That’s why caretaker services are booming! It is these caretakers that shower love, care and concern for the patients that allow the working generation to pursue the greatness that the city is so fertile for!