It is no secret that the nursing field is one that is predominantly female-dominated, however a surprising fact you may not know is that the first nurses were actually male! The world’s very first nursing school was established in India as early as 250 BC and it was then believed that men were the best fit for the profession. The field has since been revolutionised, but once again, we are seeing more and more a demand for the male nurse and men are now entering this field. In fact, it is estimated that the proportion of the male nurse that are registered has more than tripled since 1970 in the western world, and other nations are soon catching up. So why is there an increasing need in today’s day and age?

The workforce

With more and more millennials coming into the workforce; the same gender equality that has de-stigmatised male attendants, also allow men and women to work freely. There is a growing trend that even after marriage and children, women choose to maintain their careers and may even seek a work from home model to ensure that they get the best of both worlds. This means that with the pressures of work and family life, the best way to ensure quality care for loved ones is to sign up for ward boy services wherein a male patient has a dedicated male attendant who is constantly monitoring and caring for him.


Oftentimes, male patient may feel uncomfortable when they need assistance with mobility such as using the bathroom or bed pan, insertion of a catheter, dressing up and so on if these activities are carried out by a female. Having a male present to care for the patient offers dignity and peace of mind.

Strength and safety

At a time where the patient is feeling weak and vulnerable, a strong male attendant may ease the patient’s mind. This is especially important when the patient needs to be mobilised with aid. Though female nurses may be strong and fully capable, it is vital that the patient is able to trust and rely on the strength of their male nurse. Failure to trust in their strength may lead to feelings of fear and anxiety which may hinder the progress of the patient. Moreover, by using ward boy services for a male patient, it ensures that even if the patient needs to be carried at any time, they are in safe and capable hands


No one understands a man like another man. Male patients are likely to benefit from their nurse being able to understand them better. This makes communication easier and stress free for both the patient and the attendant. A good understanding means better care, more alertness and attentiveness to the patient’s needs.

In the 21st century that we live in, it is comforting to know that there are men that have actively chosen the nursing field as a result of a strong desire to care for patients in need. This deep desire makes them strong candidates to be the best caretakes possible for patients that really need them. By opting for this, it allows the family to enjoy engaging with the patient while his needs are being taken care of day or night. Afterall, which one of us doesn’t want the absolute best for our beloved?!