Who comes to your mind when you think about the word ‘caregiver’? It may be a parent, a loved one or someone who you think of a kind, caring and nurturing and you’d be right! A caregiver, however, can also be one who has decided that they are going to be fully dedicated to caring for, looking after, and nurturing those who are ill and ailing – like rare treasures for those in need.

There are many situations where one would look out for amazing caretaker services like a caregiver for elderly or a patient that may have suffered major injury. When anyone suffers from crippling conditions due to illness, disease or injury, great caretaker services can be pivotal. How?

Well, think about an aging loved one. We all want the absolute best for our loved ones, but often, we may not be able to be at their back and call 24/7. We want to give them time, attention, and utmost care, but may have to divide our time between caring for them and keeping up with our other responsibilities. That’s where a caregiver for elderly comes in. A caregiver will always be dedicated to our loved one. They will be there to take care of the patient’s needs immediately without distraction or division of attention. The caregiver will ensure that the patient’s needs are being met round the clock and coordinate and liaise with you so that you’re up to date with all the occurrences. Your loved one will have the opportunity to feel safe, cared for and looked after as they battle their condition.

What makes them absolute gems is the fact that these caretakers have made it their mission to ensure that patients in a vulnerable and needy state are treated with kindness, dignity and are given the quality of life they deserve. They take joy and pride in pampering and showering the patient with the attention and tenderness that they need to remain in a healthy mind space. With the help of caregivers, social interaction and communication is maintained to avoid loneliness and depression, keeping the sick jovial and chirpy despite their difficult circumstances.

So how can the caregiver really help you or your loved one? It’s simple – they can do just about anything. They may help with daily basic tasks like getting dressed or feeding meals, but also more complex things like preparing meals, household chores, maintaining a hygienic environment. The caretaker may also help medically by monitoring the patient’s vitals periodically, coordinating with the attending doctor, keeping wounds clean and ensuring the right medicines are taken at the right time. On the pampering side, caretakers are often great at giving massages to stimulate the muscles, aiding with exercise to build strength, and dressing up the patient in a way that they always feel good and presentable. In short, they’re the jack of all trades that you need them to be.