Benefits Of Home Health Care And Recovery

Does home care really benefit recovery?

As humankind, we are designed to function a certain way. We are made for perfection – to function as best as possible. Sometimes however, our bodies suffer from trauma whether it is as a result of injury or health. When this happens, we have got to teach ourselves to reach that level of perfection once again and that’s where home health care services come in!

The recovery process after the body has been subjected to trauma can be long and tough, but highly essential. The use of nursing services at this time is crucial as our bodies learn to adapt and quickly form a new normal. What this means is, improper care allows our body to believe that it cannot do what it should. This can lead to a lifetime of pain, immobility, or dependency on medication. So how do home care services really benefit a patient in recovery?

The power of the mind – There is a saying that says, ‘home is where the heart is.’ No matter where in the world a person is, be it a 5-star hotel with splendid meals, or a luxury suite, there’s no attachment or comfort like one’s home. The simple act of being at home does absolute wonders to the mindset of a patient. They are in their home – a place their heart is, a  place that they love, a place familiar, comfortable, and safe. The positive effect that this has on the mind, does wonders for a patient’s physical recovery. That is why they say, “half the battle is in the mind.”

Rest – It is no secret that doctors, and nurses are responsible for helping patients get better. However, a hospital setting is not the most restful one, and rest is crucial for recovery. Using nursing services in the comfort of one’s home, a patient can recover with a dedicated nurse, qualified and able to care for them while still getting the rest they need.

Personalized Care – There is no such thing as ‘one size fits all’ when it comes to recovery. Each case is different, just as we are all unique. Home care allows personalized care specific to the needs that arise.

Faster Recovery – A study done in 2018 found that patients receiving hospital care at home had a 70% less chance of being readmitted to hospital. Additionally, when in a hospital, patients are confined to their hospital beds and many experience negative health impacts from this physical inactivity – the body’s new normal. Opposingly, being at home, possibly in the company of loved ones acts a motivation to get moving and that in turn leads to faster recovery.

Proper Rehabilitation – By using qualified home health care services, a patient can receive the correct rehabilitation which aids them in recovering the right way. These benefits are seen for the rest of their lives.

So, to answer the question ‘Does home care really benefit recovery?’ Well, our years of experience tells us so!