Homecare : Heal Faster at Home

Battling through sickness and disease can be really disconcerting. It can be really tough on the patient and well as the loved ones that surround them. Watching the person you love so dearly suffer and ache can take an emotional and physical toll on the family and friends. We all want to see the suffering come to an end and watch the beautiful transformation as the patient recovers fully. One of the best ways to speed up the recovery is receiving healthcare at home.

Home Healthcare is actually proven to speed up healing and recovery of patients for so many reasons. In fact, patients are said to thrive in their home settings versus in an institution or hospital setting.. Several case studies and research have indicated that patients may in actuality bring the recovery forward by 6 weeks or more.

Healthcare at home may include receiving caretakers, nanny services or even a highly qualified physiotherapist at home. Whichever service it may be, the benefit of receiving personalized care in the comfort of one’s home has innumerable benefits. Let’s take a look at how this may happen:

Think about an elderly patient that has recently undergone major spinal surgery. The surgery was a success, the patient is stable, but now the long road to recovery begins. The recovery time given is 6 months or longer, but the patient is stable enough to be sent home. However, the patient is now unable to walk, sit, change or do anything independently. He needs support 24/7. Now there are two options: remaining in long term hospital care with qualified professionals available to him around the clock. Or, receiving healthcare at home.

By remaining in hospital, his meals are all provided, physiotherapists are checking in daily and there nurses checking in hourly. You know he’s in safe hands. The drawback: you can’t be with him all the time. This can be resolved one way – by bringing him home; he is stable after all!.

By bringing him home, you get to be around, your family is there to surround him and he’s in his own bed. You can hire a caretaker to care for him and prep his meals and have a physiotherapist at home too. This way, he gets fully dedicated attention. Rather than having different people checking on him hourly, he has one person dedicated for him at all times.  Rather than waiting for a physiotherapist to come see you on his rounds or when he’s free, you have a dedicated professional coming at a time that is convenient to you. The patient is not spending his time waiting for doctors to be available to him.

By doing this, the patient in recovery is able to set his own routine, eat wholesome food that enhances his recovery, be with loved ones And even find ways to be entertained. All these factors contribute to the speedy recovery. That’s why healthcare at home is the go to solution for those that need speedy healing..So what’ll you choose?