Hiring a Professional Nurse vs. DIY Care: Which is Best for Your Loved One?

Caring for a loved one with a disease can be overwhelming. Whether it’s an elderly family member, a parent with a chronic illness, or a child with special needs, the responsibility can be daunting. You may be wondering whether to hire a professional nurse or take care of your loved one yourself. Let’s compare both options to help you make an informed decision.

Professional Nurse


  1. Expert Care: Professional nurses are trained to handle various medical situations. They know how to administer medications, perform medical procedures, and use medical equipment.
  2. Experience: They have experience dealing with different types of patients and conditions, which can be crucial in emergency situations.
  3. Relief for Family: Hiring a nurse can relieve the family from the stress and physical demands of caregiving, allowing them to focus on spending quality time with their loved one.
  4. Consistent Care: Nurses can provide consistent and scheduled care, ensuring that your loved one’s needs are met around the clock.


  1. Cost: Hiring a professional nurse can be expensive, especially if 24/7 care is required.
  2. Trust and Comfort: It may take time for your loved one to feel comfortable with a stranger, and building trust can be a gradual process.
  3. Less Personal Involvement: Having a professional take over may reduce the amount of time you spend directly caring for your loved one.

DIY Care


  1. Cost-Effective: Taking care of your loved one yourself can save money that would otherwise be spent on hiring a nurse.
  2. Personal Connection: Being the primary caregiver can strengthen the bond between you and your loved one, providing emotional comfort and support.
  3. Control: You have complete control over the care plan and can make immediate decisions based on your loved one’s needs.


  1. Lack of Expertise: You might not have the medical training required to handle certain situations, which can be risky for your loved one’s health.
  2. Physical and Emotional Strain: Caregiving can be physically demanding and emotionally draining, leading to burnout and stress.
  3. Time-Consuming: Providing care yourself can take up a significant amount of your time, impacting your ability to work, rest, and maintain other responsibilities.

Comparison Table

Aspect Professional Nurse DIY Care
Expertise High – Trained in medical care Varies – Depends on personal knowledge
Cost High Low
Emotional Connection May take time to build Strong, already established
Consistent Care Yes – Scheduled and reliable Depends on personal availability
Physical and Emotional Load Low – Shared with nurse High – All on the caregiver
Flexibility Moderate – Dependent on nurse’s schedule High – Caregiver controls the schedule


Choosing between hiring a professional nurse and providing DIY care depends on your specific situation. If your loved one requires complex medical care and you can afford it, hiring a nurse might be the best option. It ensures that they receive expert care and allows you to focus on emotional support.

On the other hand, if your loved one’s needs are more basic and you are capable of managing them, DIY care can save costs and strengthen your personal connection. However, be mindful of the potential strain it can place on you.

Ultimately, the best choice is one that balances your loved one’s needs with your capacity to meet them. Consider your resources, time, and the level of care required before making a decision.

If you are considering hiring a professional nurse in Mumbai, Shree Swami Samarth Patients Seva provides top-notch nursing services. Our experienced and compassionate nurses are dedicated to ensuring the best care for your loved ones. Contact us to learn more about how we can help you provide the care your loved one deserves.